A Message to CVFP Patients
We are Innovating
to continue to offer safe & accessible care
Albertans and all Canadians are living through two health care crises: COVID-19, which still dominates the headlines, but also long wait times for virtually all medical services.
Nearly every Albertan family has a wait-time story. We wait in emergency departments. We wait to see family physicians. We wait for tests, procedures and surgeries. We wait to see specialists.
What is CVFP doing?
We are:
Prioritizing patient care
We are working across all our Health Teams to ensure that patients are seen at the right time, in the right place, by the right person. This may involve triaging incoming patient care needs.
Maintaining continuity of care
If you cannot see your own provider in a timely manner, you will be offered an appointment with another member of the CVFP Health Team.
Growing our team to meet your needs
New health team positions including Medical Office Assistants, Registered Nurses and Physicians are being added as needed.
Expanding our clinic hours
We will be offering Saturday morning appointments from 9am-12pm.
Providing many layers of access to care
• direct dial to teams -- you can access our team phone numbers here
• virtual appointments
• secure email
• mobile messaging appointment reminders & pre-screening
Innovating to continue to offer safe & accessible care
As a team, we are working on balancing increases in patient care needs in a way that allows us to provide thorough and safe care. We want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to see patients and innovate to provide care when patient needs are high.
What can you do?
You can:
Empower yourself as a patient
Utilize options you have for care by contacting Health Link at 811 or other health providers like optometrists, dentists, podiatrists, etc. While we emphasize the importance of continuity of care in your overall health management, the decision for where and when to seek care is in your hands.
Learn about self-management care where appropriate
Alberta Health Services (AHS) offers several resources with information about the causes, symptoms and home management options for common illnesses and injuries, and when to seek medical care. As well as tools that give you access to some of your health information from Alberta Netcare.
Check out these AHS resources & tools
• HEAL (Health Education and Learning Program) - a resource aimed at providing families in Alberta easily accessible information about common minor illness & injuries in children
• MyHealth Records - access your personal medical information including laboratory, diagnostic imaging results & vaccination records
• Access Mental Health, Calgary Zone - a guide to help you find mental health services that are right for you
As we work together during this challenging time, please know that we are here for you and remain committed to providing a high standard of care.
“As a team, we are working on balancing increases in patient care needs in a way that allows us to provide thorough and safe care. ”